NBCBC Management
Here you can quickly find contact information for NBCBC's management and administrative departments and get an overview of our organisational structure.

Organisational chart

Our organisation consists of many different departments, each playing an important role in ensuring efficient operations. To make it easy for you to get an overview, we have compiled organisational charts, which you can access by clicking below.

Kathrine Lassen
Dean of Academic Affairs, Business Management
Phone+45 33 41 93 95

Daniela Chimirri
Dean of Academic Affairs, International Tourism & Hospitality Management

Raquel Lopez Fernandez
Head of Academic Support & Integrity
Phone+45 23 21 45 98
Management Support

Simon Holmen Reventlow Clemmensen
Quality and Accreditation Coordinator
Student Administration

Student Support Unit

Charlotte Märcher Bernard
Educational Counsellor
As a seasoned Student and Career Counsellor with over 20 years of academic and professional experience also in teaching in higher education in Denmark...

Marguerite De Bique
Educational Counsellor
Areas of specialisation:
- Psycho-Social Counseling
- Health & Wellness
- Coaching
- BSocSc Social Work (Hons) University of Cape Town (SA)
- Ce...

Sanjay St Charles Thompson
Educational Counsellor
Sanjay is a behavioural scientist and tech-savvy communicator who has conducted in-depth research on deviant behaviour, neighbourhood crime, ill healt...

The Faculty
In addition to being leaders in their academic fields, many of our faculty members also have hands‐on business experience as analysts, managers, consultants, entrepreneurs, investors, advisors, board members, authors and executives. Meet all of them here.